domingo, 26 de enero de 2014


Diana: Hello Lucia I'm Diana, I was calling to wish you a good trip 

Lucia: Ok, thanks Diana. 
Diana:You're welcome. I hope and bring me a gift 
Lucia: I do not know what kind of things you like. 
Diana: I like shoes with heels, hoods, shoes, pants color, and all.
Lucia: I'll bring you what I can. I don't have plenty money. 
Diana: Don't worry, goodbye, don't be late to the airport. 
Lucia: Thanks, take care. 
Diana: Good trip bye

sábado, 18 de enero de 2014


Jean Franco call Lucia's phone.
Lucia: Hello! Jean Franco: Hey, Lucia, where are you ? Lucia: I'm in Miami beach, it's so beautiful. It's nice and sunny here. I hope it's not raining in Perú. Come with Claudia and Diana. Jean Franco: Sounds great. But we can't, because we have class. Lucia: Oh well. You need to know here. Jean Franco: What are you doing now? Lucia: I'm with some friends, in the beach, the sea it's great. We were playing voleyball and swimming bit. Jean Franco: Interesting! Lucia: These sports, it's fun, easy. It's good for your mind and body. JeanFranco: Did you buy some clothes? Lucia: Yeah! Some pants, dresses, miniskirt, scuba diver and bikini. Jean Franco: What kinds of clothes are you wearing now ? Lucia: I'm wearing a bikini. Jean Franco: Ahh i wanna stay there too. Enjoy your vacations. I'll call you later


Letter A: Lucia
Letter B: Jean Franco
Letter C: Claudia
Letter D: Diana

A: Hi, Jean franco how are you?

B: I'm fine thank you, what about you?
A: I'm so happy, because I'll travel to the beach.
B: OH! Really?
A: Yes, Please can you give me a ice wather botte.
B: Sure take.
A: Thanks, I really nead because the sun is to hard. Bye see you in 2 weeks
B: Bye see you, bring me something.
D: lucia have a nice travel
C: don't forget bring us something.
A : somethig like what?
D: somethig like ...pants, t-shirt, shoes, jewelry etc.
C: yes you know something like that..
A: ohhh, jajaj e ok ok yes i understand... now i have some ideas.
C and D : well .. thank you lucia 
Have a good travel ..

D: don't forget our present.. Bye